Founded in 1973, and incorporated in 2000, LES International (LESI) is the umbrella organization of national and regional associations for licensing executives. A Board of Directors and Board of Delegates, consisting of representatives of all national and regional societies, oversee the activities of LESI.
To function as a non-profit professional organization to broadly support LES Societies in their efforts on behalf of individual members by:
- Setting and promoting consistent, high professional standards for licensing executives on a global basis
- Creating and maintaining various geographically based LES Societies with the necessary number and balance of local members
- Providing organizational leadership, coordination and advice
- Facilitating professional networking between the members of LES Societies
- Providing quality educational content to, and facilitating the sharing of educational content between LES Societies
- Informing and interacting with global organizations and policy forums concerning the economic significance and importance of licensing and other transfer of technology and intellectual property rights.
Licensing Executives Society International