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Traduzione in lingua inglese del Codice Italiano di Proprietà Industriale – Luglio 2019 (2a ed.)

Seconda nuova edizione – Inglese/Italiano

LES Italy values the opportunity to cooperate with the 33 member societies of the Licensing Executives Society in continuing to develop a strong IP culture by informing the international IP and business community, governmental bodies, and other institutions about the economic significance and importance of intellectual property to business.

Publishing an English translation of the Italian Code of Industrial Property fosters interaction among LES members, allows foreign investors to learn about the Italian legal system, and helps the economy to develop in Italy and worldwide.

Intellectual property laws follow globalization, responding and adapting to the needs of the marketplace and society, fostering further innovation and commercial value. Innovation means developing new products or services and invention is a key element in that process. Protecting innovation rewards inventors and their investors for their efforts and accomplishments, ensuring further interest in research and development as well as the necessary financial investment, and further fueling the economy with new products and new jobs.

LES Italy wants to ensure that the intellectual property rights and their enforcement are accurately described and understood by benefit industry and the innovation communities to provide this economic growth and advancement in technology in Italy and worldwide.

Describing the details and the tools offered by the Italian law allows innovators to effectively manage and strategic exploit IP rights in Europe and internationally. For example, trade secrets developed by innovators are protected and enforced as intellectual property rights by the Italian Code of Industrial Property and have been protected and enforced in Italy since the introduction of the Code on February 10, 2005. In fact, they have been effectively enforced on a large scale eleven years before the European Directive (EU) 2016/943 on trade secrets.

The main objective of first translation of the Italian Code was to promote the development of an industrial property culture in Italy, especially within the private sector of small and medium size enterprises (SME). This is particularly important to SMEs as they face a competitive business environment, driven by knowledge and where technological innovation and open innovation strongly contribute to whether SMEs perform successfully in the marketplace. This objective was well accomplished.

Now we need a broader approach to disseminating an IP culture among our 33 LESI member societies and outside to show how Italy is important as a place for wonderful innovation and investment, but also as a place to enforce intellectual property rights though litigation.

Following the LESI principles of continually improving the high professional standards of our industry by sharing best practices and education, LES Italy is publishing a renewed and fully updated edition (July 2019) of the English translation of “Codice della Proprietà Industriale”. The Italian original text also is inserted to facilitate review and analysis.

A special thanks goes to the scientific committee, to the members of the executive committee of LES Italy, and to the sponsors for their indispensable support and valuable contribution to this important project.

Milano, July 16th, 2019

Mattia Dalla Costa

Attorney at Law at CBA and President of LES Italy


Comitato Scientifico (II ed.)

  • Simona Cazzaniga
  • Mattia Dalla Costa
  • Gianluca De Cristofaro
  • Gian Antonio Pancot
  • Dario Paschetta
  • Marco Venturello


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Nella pagina interna riservata agli associati assieme alla seconda edizione della traduzione in lingua inglese del Codice italiano della Proprietà Industriale è anche disponibile la traduzione delle modifiche approvate successivamente alla data di pubblicazione (Luglio 2019).


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