Unified Patent Court: a new licensing dynamic will start in 2022 in Europe – Session 2

28 March 2022

12:00pm – 2:00pm (CET)

LES France and LES Benelux have joined forces to organize two webinars with the focus on the effects of the unitary patent, and the Unified Patent Court on the licensing world.

In the first session (10 March), renowned experts in the field will set the scene by providing an introduction to the unitary patent system and unified patent court.

– What shall we all know about the UP and the UPC?

– Where are we in the process?

– What needs to be done in your company during the transition phase?

– What are the competences of the courts ? How to litigate in the UPC ? Etc.

In the second session (28 March), implications of the UPC on existing and future licensing deals will be addressed from a practical viewpoint: which typical patent license clauses needs attention? In this second session, there will be an open panel discussion.

This event is FREE to LES Members.

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