
How to become a Member

Managers, lawyers, academics, IP consultants, researchers and any other person professionally engaged in the field of business law, licensing and intellectual property can apply to become a Member of LES Italy.

The application shall be submitted to the Secretary of LES Italy by sending the herein form signed by two LES members recommending the application and accompanied by a short profile.

The application will then be examined by the LES Italy Executive Committee at the next meeting and a written notice will then inform the new member of his admittance to LES Italy. The registration fee shall not be paid prior to receipt of such notice.

Advantages of becoming a Member

The membership to LES Italy provides numerous advantages, such as:

  • Opportunity to become part of an international Association specialized in IP;
  • Interaction with leading professionals who are the most active in the field of IP, in Italy and abroad and access to the mailing list of all members (please, see rules of professional conduct with respect to the use of confidential data).
  • Weekly updates on the most recent news on business law, licensing and intellectual property;
  • Conference attendance benefiting of the special discounted price for members and, in some cases, for free;
  • Subscription to the journal of LES International: “Les Nouvelles”.


For any additional information on how to become a member, please contact the Secretary of LES-Italy:

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