Build to Sell: Driven by Intellectual Assets – Executive Conference (Part 1)

31 March 2021, 8:00pm – 10:00pm (EDT)
1 April 2021, 8:00am – 10:00am (SGT)

Build your technology company for the ultimate exit value from day one, based on technology intellectual assets, brand intellectual assets and operational excellence intellectual assets.

This 2-hour executive conference with a global panel of speakers and panel members is an interactive potpourri of lectures and panel discussions featuring a live case study, especially targeted at small business owners or start-ups with high growth aspirations.

This executive conference (Part 1) was organized by the LESI High-Growth Enterprises (HGE) Taskforce and will be followed by three smaller workshops the following week (Part 2) scheduled for April 5 & 6 – one each for Asia, Europe and the Americas.

Read more & register here

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