Paris/Online, 16 November 2023
Allen & Overy
32 rue François 1er – 75008 Paris
2:30pm to 7:00pm – Conference
7:00pm – Cocktail reception overlooking the Paris skyline
Please join us for the 6th edition of the annual conference on Standard Essential Patents (SEPs) and FRAND co-organised by APEB and LES France.
For additional information and to register
Preliminary Agenda
2:30pm – 3:30pm – First roundtable: The Commission’s Proposed Regulation
Moderator: Prof. Peter Georg Picht, Zürich University
- Anne von Zukowski, EU Commission, DG Grow
- Eeva Hakoranta, Interdigital
- Alexander Härtel, Deutsche Telekom
- Mattia Fogliacco, Sisvel
- Further speaker to be confirmed
3:30pm – 4:30pm – Second roundtable: A Pluri-disciplinary Academic Perspective
Moderator: Jean-Frédéric Gaultier, Taliens
- The ETSI commitment under French contract law: Prof. Philippe Stoffel-Munck, Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University
- FRAND and international trade law: Prof. Petros C Mavroidis, Columbia Law School
- Private international law aspects of FRAND : Prof. Edouard Treppoz, Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University
- A competition law approach to FRAND: Prof. Jean-Christophe Roda, Lyon 3 Jean Moulin University
5:00 – 7:00pm – Views from the Judiciary
Moderators: Anne-Charlotte Le Bihan, Bird & Bird and David Por, Allen & Overy
- Judge Richard Meade, High Court, England & Wales
- Judge Nathalie Sabotier, Supreme Court, France
- Judge Edger Brinkman, The Hague Court, The Netherlands, and UPC Dutch Local Division
- Judge Tobias Pichlmaier, Munich Court, Germany, and UPC Munich Local Division
- Judge Paolo Catalozzi, Supreme Court, Italy, and UPC Paris Central Division
7:00pm – Cocktail reception overlooking the Paris skyline
To register LESI members shall contact Claire Le Floch or LES France secretariat Secrétaire LES France