Pop-Up Series: COVID-19 TRIPS Patent Waiver

7 October 2021

8:00am – 9:30am (EDT) / 2:00pm – 3:30pm (CEST)

Given our international community of IP licensing experts, LESI is in the enviable and unique position to bring together various perspectives on the proposed COVID-19 TRIPS Patent Waivers. The debate ensues globally, and we can bring global perspectives to educate folks around the complexity of a COVID-19 waiver of patent and other rights surrounding vaccine development. Education is critically important in this debate.

The LESI Education Committee has chosen this topic as the first in a series of LESI Pop-up Courses this year. “Pop-up” classes are generally defined as short extracurricular workshops that offer an opportunity to engage in new material, or activities not typically covered in the traditional curriculum. With this format, interactivity is key. We will lead with a 45-minute panel discussion of experts, followed by a 45-minute interactive, small break-out sessions. In those sessions, the speakers and other experts will lead a conversation where attendees will have an opportunity to share their own views.

This event is FREE to all participants.

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