To celebrate the 2013 World Intellectual Property Day, LES Italy, in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce of Milan and Turin, has created the English version of the Italian Code of Industrial Property, updated by the Legislative Decree n ° 131 of 13 August 2010.

The Italian Code of Industrial Property is not only limited to reorganizing and modernizing the national IP laws, but it has the broader objective of promoting the recovery of Italian economy by rewarding innovators in the context of a more global competition.

Well aware of the fact that globalization has led to an increasing integration and interdependence of the market, LES Italy has decided to translate the Italian Code of Industrial Property into English to allow a worldwide dissemination and understanding ofnational IP laws. The aim of this initiative is to contribute to the country’s development. It will not only be useful for Italian companies doing business abroad but also for foreign companies wishing to invest in Italy.

“I hope that this initiative will have a strong impact on the development of Italian’s economy which has always been home to great inventors, but only small business. Intellectual Property is the “real engine” of the Modern Economy. Patents, trademarks, designs and other IP rights are indeed a driver of success which must be promoted at an international level. The final goal should be not only to find new markets for products, but also to finance a company’s growth” said Roberto Dini, President of LES Italy.


Download the English version of the Italian Code of Industrial Property (pdf)
Download the English version of the Italian Code of Industrial Property (kindle format)


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