What Strategies You Would Take to Adjust to Recent Changes in IP Laws in Different North and South American Countries

21 October 2021
10:00am – 11:30am (EDT) / 4:00pm – 5:30pm (CEST)

Several significant new Intellectual Property Laws and Rulings have been issued in the last 12 months in the LES Americas countries.

In this webinar, you will hear from outstanding panelists from Brazil, Mexico, and Chile whom are familiar with these changes and can help provide guidance on strategic actions for companies and individuals doing business in these regions to address these changes.

• Elza Durham, Founding Partner at EDurham IP Consulting
• Octavio Espejo Hinojosa, Partner at BC&B Law and Business
• Andrea Lobos, Founding Partner at Andes IP
• Moderated by Paula Mena Barreto, Partner at Campos Mello Advogados

For additional information

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