The new trademark’s invalidity and revocation proceedings in Italy

Milan, 10 July 2023
from 2.00 p.m. to 6 p.m. CET

Politecnico di Milano
Dipartimento di Energia – Bovisa (Building BL25)
Sala Consiglio

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On July 10, LES Italia in collaboration with Politecnico di Milano is organizing an event dedicated to the new Italian administrative proceedings for trademark’s invalidity and revocation.

After the opening remarks of Rinaldo Plebani, President of LES Italia, and Antonio Salerno, Director of the Industrial Property Course at Politecnico di Milano, Emanuela Bianco, Saglietti Bianco (moderator), Enrico Maccallini, UIBM, Giovanni Casucci, EY, and Michel Jolicoeur, Racheli, will illustrate the new proceedings also in relationship with the EUIPO procedure and the Italian current judicial system.

An interesting case history will be presented by Francesca Panucci, Marketing and Communication Manager at Caffè Vergnano, Italian leading coffee manufacturer.

Then, a roundtable, moderated by Marilena Garis, A.BRE.MAR., will follow focusing on international experiences presented by Arnauld Michel, FTPA (France), Christian Czychowski, Nordemann (Germany) and Manuela Mendigutía, Bird&Bird (Spain).

The event will be held in English and will end with a cocktail reception.



Enrico Maccallini, UIBM – Introduction to the new Italian administrative proceedings

Emanuela Bianco, Saglietti Bianco, e Giovanni Casucci, EY – The invalidity and revocation procedure before the EUIPO

Giovanni Casucci, EY – Relations with judicial proceedings: strengths and weakness

Michel Jolicoeur, Racheli – The IP Attorney’s point of view on the new proceedings

Francesca Panucci, Caffè Vergnano – Case history

Arnauld Michel, FTPA – The trademark’s invalidity and revocation proceedings in France

Christian Czychowski, Nordemann – The trademark’s invalidity and revocation proceedings in Germany

Manuela Mendigutía, Bird&Bird – The trademark’s invalidity and revocation proceedings in Spain


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