Topic Meeting Use of (non) personal data in a digital world

Brussels (Belgium), 26 March 2020

Download the program (pdf)


This Topic Meeting on trends in Tech Transfer will be held on 26 March 2020 from 9.30 a.m. till 4.30 p.m. in Brussels, Belgium.

  • Recent developments and legislative initiatives will be discussed by a representative of the EU Commission.
  • Marcin Serafin, partner of Maruta LLP in Warsaw will speak on “Mixing of personal and non-personal data and possible implications on the security organizational and technical measures on databases covering both and mixed types of data in a cloud and traditional environment”.
  • Charlotte Ducuing, doctoral researcher at CITIP of KUleuven, asks “Should there be a ‘data law’?” (and other initiatives to create horizontal ‘data rights’, see for instance the on-going project of ALI-ELI on ‘Principles for the Data Economy’)”
  • Alain Strowel, Professor at the Université Catholique de Louvain will present on the “Use of data and AI: impact of copyright and other legislations (liability)”.
  • “Views on the Commission’s Data Strategy and AI White Paper” will be discussed by Cornelia Kutterer, Senior Director, EU Government Affairs, AI & Privacy and Digital Policies of Microsoft in Brussels.
  • Frank Guiader, Head of Innovation & Fintech at Gide avocats in Paris will give a presentation on the “Regulation facing the 4th industrial revolution : data, clusters and advanced technologies”
  • “Recent developments in India and the impact on intermediaries” will be shown by Arun Prabhu, Partner at Cyril Amarchand in Bangalore.

Please click here for the full program


NH Brussels EU Berlaymont, Boulevard Charlemagne 11-19, B-1000 Brussels


The fee for this meeting will be € 120,00 for LES Benelux members and € 180,00 for non-members. For LES members 40 years of age or below there is a discount of € 20,00 under the condition of completing your date of birth at the online registration form. Payment can take place by bank transfer. Your registration will be confirmed with an invoice for the registration fee. The fee includes meeting materials, buffet lunch, coffee and tea in the break and drinks after the meeting.

For additional information.


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