Joint LESI-EPO training course for SMEs on technology commercialisation

Basel (Switzerland), 26/28 June 2019

Licensing Executives Society International (LESI) and the European Patent Office (EPO) have launched a jointly developed two-day training course, “Succeeding at technology commercialisation and negotiation” to be held in Basel, Switzerland from 26 to 28 June.
The Basel training course, the first of the series, gives a comprehensive, professional set of tools and techniques to help businesses to profit from their IP and to put it at the heart of their business strategy in a way that is easy to access and implement. It is designed for intellectual capital and business development managers as well as entre- and intrapreneurs with great ideas who are looking to perform at the top level. The course will cater for a wide-reaching range of business professionals, including those coming from SMEs, start-ups, spin-outs, emerging enterprises, MNCs, technology transfer, research organisations and legal practicioners.

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