Battling Over Content Protection: Prince..Andy Warhol..Satan Shoes..Blood Droplets..AI Art

16 November 2022

3:00pm – 4:00pm (EST) / 9:00pm – 10:00pm (CET)



Battling Over Content Protection: Prince, Andy Warhol, Hermes, Tarantino, Nike, Satan Shoes, Kim Kardashian, blood droplets, AI-generated art, NFTs and more! This is a special program hosted by the LES Silicon Valley and San Francisco Chapters. A version of this presentation was given to a packed room at the recently-concluded LES Annual Meeting in San Francisco. Based on its popularity, LES USA-Canada are making it available to a wider audience as a special offering.


What do Prince, Andy Warhol, Hermes, Tarantino, Nike, Satan Shoes, Kim Kardashian, blood droplets, AI-generated art and NFTs have in common? They’re all part of the ongoing battles over using content that are playing out all around us. How do you create, protect, enforce and value art, music, designs and brands, whether human- or computer-created?


This expert panel will discuss the latest developments and trends, including IP tools such as copyrights & trademarks, pending legislation, cutting-edge court developments, and the impact of technological tools such as NFTs and AI.


This event is FREE to LES members.


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